“Our company must be sustainable not only economically, but also socially and environmentally; all the more so when one considers that wine is a natural product and consuming it is part of a social interaction”
Borja Eguizabal. CEO Franco-Españolas winery.

At Bodegas Franco-Españolas, we are making progress in fulfilling our ESG MANIFESTO Program by committing to environmental best practices and awareness. Thanks to these efforts, we have obtained the Sustainable Wineries for Climate Protection (SWfCP) certification for our dedicated and committed work in meeting the stringent environmental, social, economic, and governance sustainability criteria established by the Spanish Wine Federation (FEV).
Our great legacy has also long been based on producing exceptional Rioja wines, with the care of our mother earth at its core. We have a global plan focused on environmental sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint.

We have a solar energy generation plant for self-consumption that covers 25% of the energy needs of the warehouse. This has allowed us to obtain the issuance of the Energy Saving Certificate (CAE) granted by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

Through the implementation of new computer equipment, the use of virtualization systems, and the installation of cloud systems with energy-optimized data centers, we have managed to reduce energy consumption in our offices.

Through the renovation of the boilers and the water treatment plant, the installation of efficient water devices, the replacement of the barrel room’s cooling system, and the implementation of ICT systems, our goal is to reduce energy consumption and the water footprint throughout the winery.

Thanks to the digitalization of documents and communications through online platforms, at Bodegas Franco-Españolas we have significantly reduced paper consumption.

These measures are just the starting point that we at Bodegas Franco-Españolas have implemented to maintain and improve sustainability. Our challenge is to continue building this path through the promotion and implementation of new measures aimed at fostering a circular economy.


Cultural agenda
Our cultural agenda is based around four axes: music (Actual, Suena and MUWI), theatre ( + Teatro con Diamante, Hallowine), cinema (El Cine de Verano) and fashion (El Día de la Moda).
The purpose of these activities is not just to disseminate wine culture and brand awareness, but also to use them to explore moments for unexpected yet responsible wine consumption.
The total annual budget complies with the social commitment to generate cultural and artistic spaces to the delight of both locals and tourists.
In addition, the goal is often intended to give a voice to young artists who can use our events as a platform to publicize their work.
Other cultural activities: we collaborate with non-profit cultural events by offering our products or through types of experience, e.g., “Idea Search”, “Impossible Pairings”, etc.
Responsible Consumption
We are a member of the WINE IN MODERATION programme. Find out more about the programme here: www.wineinmoderation.eu/es
WINE IN MODERATION means enjoying wine in moderation, avoiding excess; avoiding drinking if you are driving, underage or pregnant; understanding the patterns of moderate drinking.
- If you drink, don’t drive/ The best recommendation is to avoid drinking alcohol if you are going to drive. In any case, never exceed the blood alcohol level limit.
- Pregnant women should not drink alcohol/ Pregnant women should not drink alcohol, as there is no established threshold at which alcohol will not harm the baby. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy may be the cause of foetal malformations and symptoms of foetal alcoholism, as well as leading to foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
- Young people are at particular risk of being harmed by excessive alcohol consumption, as it interferes with their growth, nutritional status and personal development. The negative effects of alcohol abuse or irresponsible drinking are much more pronounced in young people. This is due to their lack of maturity and psychosocial factors.
It is also worth pointing out a number of social actions undertaken by the winery in line with its core values: solidarity, respect, commitment and universality. These are a reflection of its engagement with the community and promotion of values and good practices.
Participation in charity events
We participated in a paddle tennis tournament between companies for charity purposes in 2022, with the corresponding donation going to the promoting body.
Assistance for young students
We have collaboration agreements with various educational bodies to facilitate internships for vocational and university students. These educational centres include the University of Burgos Foundation, I.E.S. La Laboral, I.E.S. Comercio and the University of La Rioja. An orderly training process is in place so students can acquaint themselves with what their job involves, understand the reality of the sector and have an immersive experience. By the end of the internship the student can deal with the tasks assigned to their position. Subsequently some 85% of these students are hired.
Donation of old equipment
We deliver equipment to Vocational Training centres for use in computer science classes.
The winery has a “decalogue of good tourism practices” in its communications, which aim to raise awareness and promote the enjoyment of tourism that is responsible, and sustainable both environmentally and with local traditions and customs. Additionally, information about other local businesses is provided to generate consumption flows in the nearby area.
Within this social dimension, the winery actively participates in festivals and popular gatherings, especially those promoted by local neighbourhood organizations.
Visits, tastings, bottle painting, etc. have taken place to enliven the festivities in the San Antonio and Campillo neighbourhoods. Likewise, there has been active collaboration with other organizations at their request through product transfers.
There is an annual schedule for hosting schools and other educational centres for free in order to spread the culture of wine and, by extension, the culture of the area.
We can create content to meet your needs. Similarly, in association with the HR department, groups that are in a vulnerable position with respect to employment come in to do practical workshops on employability in the wine sector.

For Bodegas Franco-Españolas, a commitment to environmental sustainability is non-negotiable, and the company has an ambitious global plan in place to reduce its current emissions and carbon footprint by over 50%.

Reduction in energy comsuption
After completing an energy audit, a series of improvement measures have been implemented (including for organizational processes and investments) to make the winery facilities more efficient in terms of energy and waste emissions.
The main actions carried out have included the installation of a solar power generation plant for on-site consumption. Additionally, we are engaged in an eco-design program to reduce the weight of our bottles and use 100% recyclable materials for labelling and so forth.
The following measures have been implemented to reduce energy consumption in general at the winery:
- Installation of solar panels (expected to cover 25% of the energy needs of the winery). The implementation of a second phase is under study.
- Replacement of the barrel room cooling system.
- Renewal of boilers and sewage treatment plant to ensure more efficient installations.
- Renovation of roofs to improve insulation in several warehouses.
- Implementation of ICT systems linked to energy systems, whether conventional or self-generating, to control energy expenditure in the plant.
The following measures have been implemented to reduce energy consumption in the offices:
- Purchase of new equipment with lower energy consumption.
- Use of virtualization systems that means what might previously have been on 5 physical devices is now on just one, with the associated energy savings.
- Use of cloud systems with data centres in rooms optimized through public clouds that are energetically streamlined.
Policy of reducing the use of paper in favour of communications through digital media:
- Digitization of documents for efficiency and elimination of as much paper as possible.
- Electronic invoices.
- Production documentation generated in an automated fashion.
- Dissemination actions: Promotion of sustainable tourism.


Employees have 9 months of work running from 7.00 to 15.00 and every Friday of the year, leaving between 14.30 and 15.00. These schedules have been modified for work/life balance reasons whenever requested.
Possibility of working from home
This can be requested in a timely manner according to personal needs. Any option can be put forward and the current company policy is to facilitate all possibilities.
Work schedule
A work/life balance is favoured during school holidays. Workers have a week at Christmas, the whole of Easter and three weeks off in the summer. These periods comprise 5 whole weeks of holidays coinciding with the school holidays.
In-house training
The taking of courses subsidised by FUNDAE is nurtured. These actions aim, firstly, to promote the employability of the worker and, secondly, to allow the company to retain talent. Likewise, we encourage WSET training for those people who will gain value from it, always paid for by the company. The team also receives two annual training sessions on coaching and teambuilding activities..
Concern for employee health and comfort
Purchase of new screens to improve ergonomics and which are better for employee eyesight.
Installation of cloud systems and adaptation of technology for collaborative work in the cloud and on the move (remote working included).